Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Choosing The Right Lube

Choosing The Right Lube For You And Your Dinner Guest

Looking to get exotic tonight?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Canola Oil, Coconut Oil.

Nope....You won't find these lubes in the family planning isle of your pharmacy, but you will find them in your grocery store and they are food lubes for your cooking master piece.

In yoga we take care of our physical body by getting on the mat regularly to strengthen, stretch, and tone our bodies. If you are a long time practitioner, you know that yoga goes far beyond the physical practice of asanas and also includes taking care of your body both inside and out.

Today's food lube talk is about Coconut Oil.

What are the health benefits of coconut oil?
Studies have show that intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida.
Coconut oil can also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control. People who take coconut oil also tend to have improvements in how they handle blood sugar since coconut can help improve insulin use within the body. Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Can coconut oil reduce cholesterol?
Coconut oil has a saturated fat called lauric acid, a type of MCT. It has been shown that lauric acid increases the good HDL cholesterol in the blood to help improve cholesterol ratio levels. Coconut oil lowers cholesterol by promoting its conversion to pregnenolone, a molecule that is a precursor to many of the hormones our bodies need. Coconut can help restore normal thyroid function. When the thyroid does not function optimally, it can contribute to higher levels of bad cholesterol.

Is it true coconut can help with aging?

The oils found in the coconut have a positive antioxidant action in the body. This means they help our body stop the damage to other healthy fats and tissues in our body. Oxidation is considered a major contributor to cardiovascular problems and skin aging. Coconut oil can actually help our bodies reduce the need for antioxidant intake.

Link to complete article:The Suprising Health Benefits of Coconut Oil by Pina LoGiudice ND, LAc, Siobhan Bleakney, ND, and peter Bongiorno ND, LAc Co-Medical Directors of Inner Source Health in New York

Two Ways to Use Coconut Oil

1 lb chicken tenders or thin sliced breast (organic or as close to "clean" as you can find and/or afford)
Panko Crumbs
Your favorite spices (cumin, red pepper flakes, garlic salt are my go to spices for this dish)
1 egg
2 Tbsp coconut oil

Cut chicken into cubes. Let them take a dip in a bowl with the egg (previously whisked). Coat the cubes evenly with Panko (combined with favorite spices). Cook over medium heat in pan with coconut oil. Turn chicken occasionally until cooked. Add more coconut oil for cooking as needed. Serve over couscous and favorite vegetables (see below).

Gather your favorite root vegetables. Cut them into 1inch pieces/cubes. Place veggies in a glass container and massage coconut oil all over veggies. Coconut oil is a soft solid at room temperature so make sure to get your hands in there and get messy with it. Cook in oven set to 400 degrees for 30 minutes or until cooked to your liking. Add S&P and serve.


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