Monday, June 30, 2014

Talk About What You Love--Don't Be A D-bag!

We all know at least one person who bitches about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. This could be someone who even talks a lot of smack about their own friends. Why do these d-bags seem so crabby and slightly arrogant all the time? Because they talk about the things they don't love.
Urban Dictionary: d-bag
short for douche bag, someone who is socially disfunctional in some way. generally an ass hole, some one who does something shady and low to someone else

Any of these sound familiar?
  • How dare they put cheese on the same plate as my cumin infused quinoa kale salad. I SAID VEGAN!
  • I don't know her, but she looks stupid dancing like that. 
  • That woman in the checkout was so slow. They should have a special line for slow customers.
Constantly talking about the negative is not only exhausting to listen to, but it is also a big drain on overall energy and happiness. Talking about what you don't love is like the annoying parrot locked up in a cage. (SQUAWK! SQUAWK! I HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY! SQUAWK!)

Talk about the things you do love.
  • This quinoa kale salad is so damn good! I can give the cheese to my dairy eating boyfriend.
  • I don't know her, but she looks like she is having fun. So where is the bar?
  • The line at the checkout was moving slow so I had a chance to read Crazy Sexy Yoga blogs.
When we start talking about the things we do love. We move to a place of freedom from negative thoughts. We begin to soar like a bird in the sky singing our beautiful melodies.

What To Do If You Encounter A D-bag
Don't participate in their complaining (you don't want to become a douche too!). If that person is someone you want around, then confront them about their incessant bitching and how they are a drain on overall happiness for everyone around them. If that doesn't work, TAKE THE GARBAGE OUT! Be wise enough to walk away from the nonsense around you. Focus on the positives and soon the negatives will be harder to see.

What To Do If You Realize YOU Are A D-bag
It is simple. Open your mind before you open your mouth. Don’t hate what you don’t know. The mind is like a parachute; it doesn’t work when it’s closed.

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